How to design the best showcase website for Mobalib's BtoB offer ?

  • 2018
  • UX Research - UX Design - WebDesign - Integration
  • Mobalib


Mobalib is a start-up which build digital solutions for people with disabilities. These solutions revolves around a social network, a speaking space for both users and professionnals which can build their “service card”, in order to be visible by the community.

MobaPro is their BtoB offer.


I’ve been involved in the website conception, from ideation to front-end development. I had the opportunity to discuss with the business hub and the technical team, in order to build the most suitable showcase to Mobalib’s BtoB offer.


Ideation - UX Cards

Firstly i’ve implemented a UX Workshop using some UX Cards. I’ve used 7 of them, displaying the 7 major psychological needs, with other 7 cards displaying the 7 most important features of the BtoB offer.

The idea was to link those cards, by asking questions like so : How can the showcase website support the feeling of safety and control ?

The results involving the showcase part (The in-app feature is under development) :

  • The website has to focus on concepts such as relational and expertise
  • Safetyness is insured by emphasing the technical support: Potential users are not comfortable with technology.


I’ve also proceeded to build personas, also with the help of the business team :

Two main personas came out of the study, the involved one and the practical one


I decided to design directly lo-fidelity mockups, the content being already written.

Fake door

To make up for a delayed launch of the BtoB offer, I came up with the idea of building a fake door, which is a marketing conduct testing desirability of a potential offer for users. So, by clicking on Sign in or sign up, users would see them being redirected on a page telling them that we are designing it right now, with a mail input so that they can stay informed when it’s being launched. An Analytics tracker allow us to know how many users have been on this page, telling us how many potential users could be interested in such offer.

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